Experience Change with Tillmon Behavioral Health Services LLC
As of June 25, 2024, Linda Tillmon, LCSW is now licensed to practice in Connecticut!
We're seeing clients in person on Tuesdays in Rye, NY
(20 - 30 min by car from NYC)
9am - 8pm (Scheduled Appointments Only)
RYE, NY 10580
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"
- Albert Einstein

A Bit About Therapy
This is not your typical "lie on the couch therapy." I want you to experience growth by learning how to be attuned with your mind, body and soul. Let go of the negativity, the toxic behaviors and evolve! Time with me can be fun, yet therapy is hard work. It's also rewarding, fulfilling, and life-changing. So let's get to it and talk about it! There's no better time to invest in yourself than now,
I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to manage their emotions effectively and overcome negative thought patterns that hinder their personal growth. I am committed to creating a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment where you can explore your challenges, build resilience, and cultivate positive change.
If you or a loved one is going through a mental health crisis, please call 988, which is available 24/7. .
For the LGBTQ Youth, connect with a crisis counselor at 866-488-7386 or text 678-678, which is also available 24/7.
For Domestic/Partner Violence, please contact Safe Horizon (NYC) at 800-692- HOPE (or 4673) or the National Domestic Violence Hotline number, 800-799-7233, both 24/7.